Coaching Services
Work 1:1 to address the challenges you’re facing. We’ll move through a process of discovering the strengths of you and your family, envisioning your preferred future and goals, identifying and implementing strategies to reach your goals, and reflecting on your progress. A series of small changes can have a big impact for your family.
Join your partner or coparent in the coaching process. You’ll appreciate each other’s unique parenting style, align in your vision for the future, and design your way there as a team.
Please note that parent coaching for couples is not couples counseling. Coaching is well suited for couples who are not experiencing marital strife.
Explore a parenting topic in depth with 4 to 6 parents with similar aged children. Learn from each other as you strive towards a common goal. Group coaching follows a similar model as individual or couples coaching and adds the wisdom of the group to the change process.
Workshops can cover a range of topics- self-care, value-driven parenting, self-regulation, transitions and life changes, sex education, and screens are some examples. What would you like to address in a workshop?
Workshops are for parents, employees, such as teachers or child-care providers, grandparents- any group who is also parenting! Who would you like to include in a workshop?
Workshops can be intimate gatherings or larger meetings. What feel would you like your workshop to have?
I invite you to contact me to discuss your ideas and needs!
Number of sessions: 8-12 one-hour sessions are typical, but will vary based on your needs
Platforms: Virtual, by phone or video, or Walk and Talk coaching at a convenient location for local clients
Session summaries: Comprehensive, weekly summaries are emailed to support your growth and reflection
Flexible pricing: By single session or by packages of 5 or 10 sessions, which reflect a preferred rate. During the complementary, 30-minute consultation, we will discuss your unique situation and figure out an affordable, customized coaching plan.